This website is the property of ANANTA Asset Management Ltd, a simplified joint stock company with a capital of 100,000 euros whose registered office is located at rue Boudet, Pointe aux Canonniers. The portfolio management company is approved by the FSC (Financial Services Commission) Mauritius under the approval number: C113012257 SEC-2.4 INVESTMENT ADVISER (UNRESTRICTED) since November 2013, which guarantees the transparency and the respect of the rules that are incumbent on our profession.


The site (ananta-am.com) is strictly informative and its purpose is to present the portfolio management activity of ANANTA Asset Management. It is not a transactional site. The official language of the site is French. It is subject to Mauritian law and to the jurisdiction of Mauritian courts.


The information published on this site is not and shall not in any manner whatsoever constitute an offer of products or services which may be assimilated to a public offering of securities or any other solicitation to buy or sell securities or any other management or investment product, nor an incitement or advice with a view to any investment or arbitration of securities or any other management or investment product.

This information does not constitute investment recommendations or stock market advice based on circumstances specific to the visitors to the site or which may meet their particular requirements. It is presented for information purposes only and therefore has no contractual value. ANANTA Asset Management declines all responsibility for the use that may be made of this information and for the consequences that may arise, particularly with regard to decisions that may be made or actions that may be taken on the basis of this information.


ANANTA Asset Management makes every effort to ensure that the information published on this site is accurate and up to date, and reserves the right to correct the content at any time and without notice. However, ANANTA Asset Management cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision or completeness of the information made available on this site. It therefore warns visitors that it is their responsibility to verify the information by other means, including by contacting the company. Consequently, ANANTA Asset Management declines all responsibility:

  • For any imprecision, inaccuracy or omission concerning the information available on the site;
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Before making any investment or disinvestment decision, the reader is advised to take note of the operating conditions and mechanisms governing the financial markets, to assess the related risks and to use all the means necessary for a proper understanding of these mechanisms. When making investment choices, investors should always be aware that some assets present significant risks.

Before investing, investors are advised to carefully read the DICI and the prospectus of the fund they are investing in, which is available in the “Our Funds” section. ANANTA Asset Management recommends that investors take the necessary time to determine the suitability of the investment for their assets and to define the diversified allocation of their assets in accordance with their objectives, their constraints, including regulatory constraints, and their investment horizon. The shorter the investment horizon, the less risk should be taken. It should also check the investment horizon of the UCITS and the investment category specified in the prospectus. The figures quoted relate to the past years. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. They are not a guarantee of future performance or capital, which may not be returned in full. The investor’s attention is specifically drawn to the fact that the financial products presented are not guaranteed by the management company or any other party. The investor’s attention is specifically drawn to the fact that the financial products presented are not guaranteed by the management company or a credit institution. The bond portion of the financial products presented is invested in debt securities, whose guarantors are governments or private companies, but whose default in repayment can in no way be excluded. The management company is only bound by an obligation of means and not by an obligation of result. All persons interested in receiving additional information, and in particular information on the risks and characteristics of the products and/or services, may request to receive information and are invited to contact the Sales Department of ANANTA Asset Management.
The products presented on the ANANTA Asset Management website may be marketed in accordance with the contractual terms and conditions, the applicable regulations and the rates in force at the time of their subscription.


Access to the products and services presented on the website may be subject to restrictions with regard to certain persons or certain countries, and in particular with regard to investors in the United States and the United Kingdom, which are subject to specific legislation. In particular, this site is not intended for distribution to or use by U.S. residents or citizens or “U.S. Persons*” as defined by Regulation S of the SEC under the Securities Act of 1933. The financial products described on this site do not comply with U.S. federal securities laws or applicable state laws, and may not be marketed, directly or indirectly, in the United States of America, its territories, possessions or areas subject to the jurisdiction of the United States of America, or for the benefit of a U.S. Person. This restriction also applies to U.S. citizens and residents or U.S. Persons who may view or access this site while travelling or visiting outside the United States. In addition, UCITS may not be offered or sold to US investors.

*U.S. Person: an individual resident in the United States of America, as well as companies or other entities created or governed under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 or managed by a U.S. person. It is the responsibility of any interested person to check in advance with their usual advisers that their national legal and tax status authorises them to subscribe to units or shares of the UCITS presented on the site.


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For more information, you can consult our Privacy and Data Protection Policy available on our website.

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